
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2010

UNIGIS en ESRI User Conference 2010

UNIGIS actively participated in the ESRI International User Conference, ( UC ) July 12-16 2010. Monday night UNIGIS was present at the 'Academic GIS Program Fair', and from Tuesday to Thursday was available for attendees at a large booth in the main exhibit hall, providing information on all UNIGIS Distance Learning offerings worldwide. A lot of people stopped by to find out about UNIGIS: Current UNIGIS students UNIGIS alumni Prospective UNIGIS students University faculty/staff, as well as Prospective UNIGIS member institutions Representatives from UNIGIS USC, Latin America, Universität Salzburg and Poland staffed the booth, presented UNIGIS programs and actively promoted UNIGIS studies worldwide. "Creamos la Comunidad SIG más activa en América Latina". =================== Síganos en las redes