
Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2010

Inicia Ciclo 2010A de Msc UNIGIS América Latina

The UNIGIS program in Latin America that is coordinated by the University San Francisco de Quito ( USFQ ) and the Universität Salzburg , to announce its first intake in 2010A. By the end of March a group of 50 postgraduate students from Ecuador, Colombia and other Latin American countries were successfully enrolled in the two year UNIGIS Master program. Two residential seminars were held to welcome the new students on March, 20th at USFQ, Quito (Ecuador) and March 27th at International Center for Tropical Agriculture ( CIAT ), Cali, Colombia). The recently enrolled students can count on a distance learning qualification offered in Spanish language that is specifically tailored to particular needs of GIS professionals in Latin America. ¡Welcome! "Creamos la Comunidad SIG más activa en América Latina". =================== Síganos en las redes