
Mostrando las entradas de febrero, 2010

Acuerdo Doble Titulación UNIGIS Quito-Universität Salzburg

During the "Primer Simposio GIS Educación en América Latina" (March 26-28, 2008) an extended academic cooperation agreement was signed by Chancellor Santiago Gangotena from the Universidad San Francisco de Quito ( USFQ ) and Prof. Josef Strobl from the Universität Salzburg .  UNIGIS students from USFQ now have the opportunity to reach an MSc degree at Salzburg if they complete all requirements including the development of a Master Thesis in English language. The Symposium brought together GIS educators from most Latin American countries. The broad range of symposium presentations demonstrated a high level of interest in advancing GIS education throughout Latin America, and was followed by a day of hands-on workshops offering introductions into FOSS products like gvSIG, SAGA and Mapserver. The 'GIS education week' at USFQ was then topped off with the introductory on-site workshop of the first group of 2008 UNIGIS students - we wish them a successful start into t...

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